2008年3月11日 星期二

HW1: Sketch Using Framework of Choreography of Interaction

Thank Lex for providing such valuable material about interaction design: Framework of Choreography of Interaction. Students in this course will surely learn a lot about different interaction design paradigms. Every participant in this course should submit a sketch using the framework of choreography of interaction, and a brief summary about this framework. I appreciate Lex to give us comments and discuss in more depth.

5 則留言:

Lex 提到...

I think, to make the goal of the assignment a bit clearer, attached with the Sketch, it would be great if the students in this course submit:

1. sequential captured images from a series of movements one or more users interact with each other or with objects from a video (no 'leafs-falling kind of 'emotional' video is allowed)

2. explain the context behind it and why you think it is important or interesting to take it further as an inspiration for design, for example, I would like to ELICIT same movement because...for certain context?

What do you think?

I look forward to all of your great works, thank teacher Liang for providing this opportunity to me to share my thoughts and get a chance learn from you.

梁容輝 提到...

Thank Lex for very clear steps to do this homework. I would suggest students to follow these steps as possible. However, we will discuss the detail and listen to everybody's question on next class meeting.
I hope every student will figure out a solid and clear method of his/her own.
Also, I appreciate the contribution from Lex, and it's is a wonderful chance to learn this design framework directly from the original researchers.

Neo Hsieh 提到...


M9613H20 - HW1 謝榮峰.


老師 & Lex 您好 , 這是關於這次的練習.
這邊是我的部落格網頁 , 為了編輯方便我放在這邊 , 請連結到這邊觀看文章, 謝謝

Lex 提到...

I don't really know the schedule and goal of this course, however, it is suggested that the next step after HW1 is to first re-visualize the movement an (or more) user's bodily interaction towards to a person or an object, then based on the context and the analysis of the movement, students should use 'raw' materials like card board to create a mechanical prototype that is able to elicit and express the essence of the original movement.

Ting 提到...
